jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

My Social Style

As an extrovert, I love to socialize. I can´t even imagen myself as an introvert. my friends say I am a real party person, and I think parties are a great way to make new friends. I enjoy going out to new places as I love to meet new people. I hardly ever invite my friends to my home as I share an apartment with someone who is an introvert.
I get excited as the weekend gets closer.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2016

Get expressions

Do yo find it hard to get through the day without texting your friends?
I find it hard not to be without me with my friend
If you weren´t ready for a test, would yoy try to get out of it?
No, I would do my best in test
Have you ever told a "white lie" to get out of an invitation? Did you get away with it?
No, I prefer not lie because they always go wrong things

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Fashion conversation

Names: Gabriel Olivo
             Sebastián Flores
G: Oh, look at the hood. Isn´t it fashion?
S: I don´t know, do you think it´s in fashion?
Not really. And what do you think?
Kind of, but if you put it on maybe it looks better
You´re right
Yes, it looks a little better, but did you see the price?
Yes, it is a bit expensive, but I really like this hood
Why don´t you look something different?
But I don´t like solid colors. Don´t you think it would be more difficult?
We will take longer, but we will find a better price.
I think if it´s cheaper. It will be of low quality?
I think we can find something on sale
It´s better to buy this, I prefer being fashionable
Yeah, but being fashionable isn´t cheap

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

My biggest challenge

Buy a new car

When I was a teenager, I always dreamed of buying a car, so I started a save a money.

In 2015 I opened a saving account in the bank and kept my savings

On November 23rd, 2015 I bought my first car, I was very excited, I traveled to diferent places and went out with my friends al weekends in my car.

This was a big challenge for me because I needed a lot of money, but I will continue fighting to achieve a new car

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

asking interview questions

How long have you been living here?
I've lived here all my life
Have you ever lived in another country?
I have not lived in another country
What Kind of music are you listening to currently?
I hear a little of everything
What´s your favorite way of spending (an evening)?
My favorite way is food
When did you last (by yourself a treat)?
I 've never been on a whim
What did you do for your last birthday?
my last birthday I pass with my family  
What´s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
spend the whole day with me
Who or what is greatest love of your life?
the love of my life is my car
What were you doing at this time yesterday?

I was in the gym