martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Fashion conversation

Names: Gabriel Olivo
             Sebastián Flores
G: Oh, look at the hood. Isn´t it fashion?
S: I don´t know, do you think it´s in fashion?
Not really. And what do you think?
Kind of, but if you put it on maybe it looks better
You´re right
Yes, it looks a little better, but did you see the price?
Yes, it is a bit expensive, but I really like this hood
Why don´t you look something different?
But I don´t like solid colors. Don´t you think it would be more difficult?
We will take longer, but we will find a better price.
I think if it´s cheaper. It will be of low quality?
I think we can find something on sale
It´s better to buy this, I prefer being fashionable
Yeah, but being fashionable isn´t cheap

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